The one that got away

Stanley was a spunky little dude, who I kind of feel got a bit of a raw deal from me. He was an inquisitive, bold, in your face type guy, who was a delight to have around, if you like that sort of thing. Keen to learn, a very quick thinker, but with an attention […]

Boris and the cart wreck

With horse training, it is so often the case of one step forward two steps back.  You may have read in my other blogs, that Boris has been challenging at times. I have to be honest the majority of Boris’s lack of progress is my lack of giving him the time required for consistent training. […]

Say What??

It’s always easier to see things from an insiders perspective, but I think what we do is fairly self-explanatory. We use one or 2 horses to pull a carriage.  With a bit more thought, one could realise that a horse is not comparable to a car and we won’t travel at a comparable speed, or […]

The Disappointment that was The Royal Adelaide Show

You know when you have a brilliant idea and think it’s infallible, but then it is just a huge letdown on every level? That about sums up the Royal Adelaide Show for me this year.  Entries close for the Adelaide Royal, way back in May, so it is months between putting entries in and going, […]

Boris and the battle of the horse float

If you have been following us for a while, you will know of Boris, who is one half of the pair affectionately known as the delinquents. Aka Boris the bastard. Now, Boris is a magnificent creature, standing at nearly 17hh weighing in at approximately 750kgs and is only 5 years of age. He was a […]

A funeral to remember (or preferably forget)

When you think about a horse and carriage service I would think you would mostly see pictures of glitz and glamour and fairytales and romance. I guess one wouldn’t normally look behind the scenes or have reason to think about how the horses got to the location to do the job in the first place.  […]