Our horses

Calvin is the ultimate professional. He loves his job and is very good at it. Standing at 15.2 and a lovely elegant type, Calvin adores his passengers and any treats they may have.
He is where it all started for us, and has taught us so much along the way.

Now 24 years old, we monitor his workload carefully, and adhere to passenger weight limits, to ensure he can continue to enjoy his work for years to come.

These guys joined our herd as yearlings. They are purebred Clydesdale’s and are registered with Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society.
They are half brothers and love each others company (other than when Angus is being bossy at feed time), however they are equally as happy to be worked separately.
Now 9 year olds, they have been brought on slowly, correctly and calmly, resulting in calm happy horses who are eager to work. Gentle enough to be driven by my 7 year old son, they have been known to visit nursing homes and schools.
Angus is a quick thinker and very trusting of his driver, Henry likes to process things for a bit longer, and once he understands the job, he is the most honest soul.

Brian is a selectively bred, and much anticipated yearling, who will be an amazing addition to our team when he matures. 

His Mum is a beautiful, gentle and loyal Thoroughbred mare, who I used to event and pleasure ride. His Dad is a Magnificent Black Clydesdale x Fresian, who stamps a calm, inquisitive personality on to all of his foals. 

Brian is strong, smart and affectionate and keen to learn, all lovely attributes for his future role pulling a carriage with us.