Horse Beach Experience

My ‘Horse Beach Experience’, seemed like a really good idea at the time. From the dreamer ‘everything is awesome’ part of my brain, came the thought process- I can get customers to pay me to take my horses to the beach… On the outside, it all seems dreamy. On a hot day, I take the […]

The tentative step into offering lessons

If you have read some of my other blogs, you will know that we started from scratch. We are self taught at this whole harness gig, learning as we went, thanks to our gorgeous Calvin. Until probably 5 years ago, I had never even driven any other horse than Calvin. I then broke Trudy in […]

Horse Drawn Christmas Light Tours

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…. Or at least that’s what the jingles and festivities want us to believe.  We started Christmas light tours about 8 years ago, when we were looking for ways to expand our carriage offerings. It’s kind of been a love hate relationship with them since then.  Christmas Light […]

We’re going on a bear hunt!

If you come to Strathalbyn during the school holidays, you’re sure of a big surprise, we will go over, around and through this gorgeous town in our horse drawn carriage, hunting for all of the bears to mark off your check list. You could even line it up with having a teddy bear picnic in […]

The coming of Age

I think the scariest thing about what we do with our horses and carriages, is doing something for the first time. Years of training, working towards a certain picture, is all put to the test in how the horse responds to a new environment or situation.  Our young Clydesdales have been working towards commercial work […]

Wine Tour Langhorne Creek in Horse Drawn Style

Today I am taking you on a wine tour around the beautiful Langhorne creek wine region. It’s a cool 22 degrees, mostly overcast, and a fairly strong breeze. Nibbles and Tabby have been washed and wine wagon decorated with happy birthday decorations.  Today’s tour is a surprise for the birthday girl, who joined her friends […]