Boris and the cart wreck

With horse training, it is so often the case of one step forward two steps back.  You may have read in my other blogs, that Boris has been challenging at times. I have to be honest the majority of Boris’s lack of progress is my lack of giving him the time required for consistent training. […]

The tentative step into offering lessons

If you have read some of my other blogs, you will know that we started from scratch. We are self taught at this whole harness gig, learning as we went, thanks to our gorgeous Calvin. Until probably 5 years ago, I had never even driven any other horse than Calvin. I then broke Trudy in […]

The Expanding of a Hobby

Established in 2009 and initially a hobby, Carriage of Occasion literally plodded along for a number of years, with our beautiful Calvin and his stunning Victoria carriage. Working full time in our other business, and trying to kick goals there left little time or money to embrace or enhance the carriage side of things. It […]